Thursday 9 February 2012

An Introduction

I have not done this in a long time.
So to be brief, I wish to write wisely, boldly and perhaps attempt to move you. For it is in the ability to elicit a reaction of value from ones audience that the strength of a piece is seen.  No reaction rendered would mean apathy in words and spirit. Nothing could be worse.   See there's this quote by Ernst Hemingway:

"No subject is terrible if the story is true, if the prose is clean and honest, and if it affirms courage and grace under pressure."

I'm quite sure this is the best advice I have read in my life on the topic of prose. And from it i can assure you, that if i have nothing to say, i simply will not say it. Because there is nothing worse than writing bullshit. There is nothing worse than filling pages with insincerity. What i must try my best to do, somehow if i can, is to apply the same logic to my life. To make my existence more than a smudge of rubbish. This is, if i am judging correctly, the purpose of my whole life. It need not be yours, but it is definitley mine. This I am sure of.

In this blog I will record a lot of “something” of which much may well be seen as bullshit (i apologize in advance), but because i cannot have that i will present it to you in the best of my abilities as pure tangible matter.  And through this, I will try to find that on some days I am able to retain credible evidence that my life is more than waking up and going to university. I also hope that whatever I say has some weight, which will eventually lead me to realize something substantial about myself that I may have missed in the last 20 years. Some clue, or hint that will make sense of everything to come.

Please take the time to get to know me; I can be contradictory, rude and at times very tiresome. But i will try my best to become better alongside the progression of this blog. I will try my best to be fluid, sincere and concrete in what will eventually become nothing more or less than a rather long soliloquy. And somewhere between these words and comma’s and fancy backgrounds I hope there exists a certain measure of integrity which reflects all things. All humans, all history, all art, all science and all philosophy.

I wish myself the best of luck


  1. Hi Welcome, i saw your link in filmigirl's blog,so thought to check it out,and i found ur first post quite interesting,especially this line "To make my existence more than a smudge of rubbish", i guess that what we all try to do,some succeed some dont. But i also want to add life is not like a trailer of a movie or even a movie where only important things are shown, life is full of rubbish and to swim against that rubbish is purpose i guess, anyways happy blogging.

  2. thanks for the comments on my blog, quite frankly i dont blog much as you can make out by the number of post i have in a year,i just blog in my mind instead,some do come out on actual blog, the thing that made me check out your blog was the word soliloquy, hadnt heard that word in a very long time, got me interested to your blog, btw is this your first blog? you write pretty well.

    P.S: I wrote that post ablut politicians at work(lol) i came up with all that in 10 mins, maybe there are more.

    P.P.S: you have mysore palace as the pic on your blog are you from mysore?
